font Konstytucyja by gluk />
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My first (pub­lished) Font Kon­sty­tucyja, the imi­tated Cal­lig­ra­phy from Man­u­scripts Polish-​Lithuanians Kon­sti­tu­tion of 3 May 1791. I cre­ate Basic Glyphs with Tablet in Inkscape, later the Curves are edited and cleared in Font­forge. This Font was basis for my other Font Pro­mo­cyja. Font have Open­Type fea­tures: Stan­dard Lig­a­tures, Ter­mi­nal Forms, and addi­tional Ter­mi­nal Forms as Lig­a­tures (Exam­ple: a,.) Test

Odstemplik QumpellkaNo12 Promocyja

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