How to use font LimpelkaSL

Vari­able, sin­gle line font LimpelkaSL ava­iable on-​line:

Type­face with styl­is­tic alter­nates of glyphs like g, h, l, p, y… ava­iable with _​and | keys (image with hints in menu tip)

LimpelkaSL - alternate glyphs

Vari­able axes Width & Span (& stroke for pre­view) to adjust the inscrip­tion to the engrav­ing size (menu Vari­ables)

LimpelkaSL - variable axes

Adi­tional auto-​magical con­tex­tual and ter­mi­nal alter­nates – bel­low some examples:

LimpelkaSL - contextual alternates

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