Font Znikomit by gluk Thin font Znikomit SmallCaps made by gluk Font Znikomit made by gluk

Geo­met­ri­cal, serif font Zni­ko­mit have Open­Type fea­tures: Stan­dard Lig­a­tures, Con­tex­tual Alter­nates, Small Cap­i­tals, Discre­tionary Lig­a­tures, Case Sen­si­tive Forms, Frac­tions, alter­nate Glyphs “K”, “R” “Q” “k” as Styl­is­tic Set 01, alter­nate Glyphs “Ä”, “Ö”, “Ü” as Styl­is­tic Set 02 and dec­o­ra­tive Orna­ments as Styl­is­tic Set 03.

28.02.2012 — If your Soft­ware don‘t sup­port Open­Type fea­tures, You can down­load addi­tional file ZnikomitS03, to use Orna­ments (Styl­is­tic Set03).

22.10.2014 — New ver­sion 0.55, now with addi­tional ZnikomitSC Small­Cap­i­tals as sep­a­rate font.

ZnikomitNo24 Foglihten ZnikomitNo25

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